Guest Lecture by Yusuke Baba

Audiovisual photographer Yusuke Baba (Beyond the Lenz) will give a lecture on the photography techniques.

Date and Time: May 21, 2024 (Tuesday)
13:00 – Lecture (Room 2)



In creating a portfolio, the quality of the photographs is crucial. It requires not only photographic skills but also a unique perspective and editing sensibility. With the increasing opportunities to showcase works on platforms like SNS and YouTube, the impression created can significantly influence the evaluation of the works themselves. From the perspective of a professional photographer, he will conduct a lecture on photography techniques.

Lecturer Profile

馬場雄介/Yusuke Baba

Born in 1983, from Hakodate City, Hokkaido.

After 15 years in the apparel industry, he started working as a freelance photographer in 2016.

While handling client work across various genres, he periodically presents his own works.